You are currently viewing 1st Community-building event “Textile crafting and sustainable growth” (in Greek)

1st Community-building event “Textile crafting and sustainable growth” (in Greek)

In the context of the EU program Ecofashion EU, the Association of Small and Medium-size Industries – ASMI is organizing on Monday, 4th December at 12.00pm-14.00pm an online community building and dissemination event regarding “Textile Crafts and Sustainable Practices.” State actors, SMEs, independent crafters and civil society actors will meet to discuss and exchange perspectives on the use of sustainable practices in textile crafting. All actors are involved in textile crafting in different stages of production and from different positions.

  • To launch the creation of the Ecofashion Hub in the field of textile, clothing and fashion and formulate its context.
  • To present the program EcoFashionEU and its results, including its challenges and benefits for the contemporary textile crafter.
  • To locate points of contact between different stakeholders in the field of textile crafting  and encourage future collaborations.
  • To determine the benefits and challenges of sustainability and the use of sustainable practices in textile crafting.

The event will take place online on Monday, 4 December 2023 at 12.00 pm- 14.00pm.

We hope that this event will be the starting point for a creative dialogue, exchange of opinions, actions and initiatives in the field of sustainable fashion, clothing and textile crafting.

You can watch the event here (in Greek)