- Multiplier event- Program debriefing_EcoFashionEU
The Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Size Industries, leading partner o EcofashionEU program for the Sustainable Development of fashion SMEs, invites you to the presentation of the program’s activities program which was completed with great success. The event will take place on Friday, May 10, ...
- Sustainable Fashion Fair 20& 21 April at Impact Hub Athens
A two-day event for sustainable SMEs and consumers The Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Size Industries, member of Enterprise Europe Network Hellas, supports the sustainable development of small and medium size sustainable fashion brands and organises in collaboration with Impact Hub Athens a ...
- Business Mentoring Clinic 19/05_ EcoFashionEU
In the context of the Sustainable Fashion Fair, the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Size Industries and EcoFashionEU team in collaboration with Impact Hub Athens co-organised a business mentoring clinic with 5 sustainable fashion brands which had the chance to discuss with experts some of the ...
- An international event on the outcomes of EcoFashionEU and the EU discussion on sustainability
On Wednesday, 8 May 2024 the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium size Industries- leading partner of “EcoFashionEU- Promoting the sustainability of small and medium textile and fashion manufacturers” organised an international event about sustainable fashion & texile industry drawing ...
- 5th community building event “Recycling Textile Waste and Circular Economy: A new Challenge for Sustainability”(in Greek)
The 5th community building event on “Recycling Textile Waste and Circular Economy” took place on 12-04-2024 with the participation of experts on recycling, upcycling and circular economy practices in Greece. The event was organised by the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium sized ...
- 4th community-building event “Building business and marketing strategies for sustainable fashion brands” (video recoding in Eng)
🔰 What kind of circular business models are suitable for sustainable fashion brands? 🔰 Which communication and marketing strategies can be developed by sustainable fashion brands? 🔰 Is sustainability centered around a unitary and Euro-centric approach? Is it time to include and reflect ...
- 4th community building event “Building business and marketing strategies for sustainable fashion brands” (in English)
Friday, 29 March 2024 11.00am- 13.00 pm (CET time) How do marketing strategies for sustainable fashion brands work? How can you promote a sustainable fashion brand? What is a sustainable branding strategy? What kind of ethical commitments does it entail? How do ethical fashion advocacy efforts, ...
- 3rd Community-building event “Ecofashion meets Worth Partership Projects: Sustainable Futures and Creative Solutions” (video recording in English)
🔰 How can we create a transnational, European ecofashion community? 🔰 How can we create an ecofashion platform for consumers that will ensure both transparency and accountability in terms of environmental sustainability and social justice? 🔰 How can we create anthropometric ...
- 3rd Community- building event: Ecofashion meets Worth projects: Sustainable Futures and Creative Solutions
Thursday, 29 February 2024 13.00- 15.00 pm (CET time) On Webex to the link: https://e-meeting.webex.com/e-meeting/j.php?MTID=m7969edf6c9ba3c86134b6cfd8c1c419f The textiles production and consumption system is a priority product-value chain for the European Commission in its 2020 Circular Economy ...
- 2nd Community- Building Event “Industial Clothing and Sustainable Practices” (in Greek)
Wednesday, 17 January 14.00pm- 16.00pm In the context of the EU program Ecofashion EU, the Association of Small and Medium-size Industries – ASMI is organizing on Wednesday, 17th January at 14.00pm-16.00pm an online community building and dissemination event regarding “Ready-to- Wear Clothing ...
- Training Program on Sustainable Fashion Completed (in Greek)
Revolutionizing Fashion, Reviving Earth 🔰 What can sustainable fashion teach us? 🌾 How does sustainability relate to each production phase? 🔰 Which are the meanings of an ethical, sustainable and socially sensitized fashion? 🌾 How can I create a brand that combines sustainability, design and ...
- 1st Community-building event “Textile crafting and sustainable growth” (in Greek)
Online community-building and dissemination event Monday, 4 December 2023 12.00pm- 14.00pm In the context of the EU program Ecofashion EU, the Association of Small and Medium-size Industries – ASMI is organizing on Monday, 4th December at 12.00pm-14.00pm an online community building and ...
- Training Program for Fashion SMEs (in Greek)
Duration : 9/11 until 7/12/2023 (including) Where: Online (live& offline webinars) Workshop 1: About Sustainability in Fashion and the EcoFashionEU Project a) What is sustainability? The SMEs business case for sustainability in textile and fashionb) The challenges, the risks, and the ...
- Capacity building training on sustainable fashion and actions to support SMEs in the field of textile and fashion manufacturing
In the context of the EU project EcofashionEU, the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Industries (ACSMI) in collaboration with CSR Hellas are conducting a training program on sustainable development in the field of textile, clothing and fashion manufacturing. The training is primarily addressed to ...
- 04/05/2023 – 2nd Stakeholders Policy Recommendations Workshop
On the 4th of May 2023, the 2nd stakeholders policy recommendations workshop “EcoFashionEU – Promoting the sustainability of small and medium textile and fashion manufacturers”, was held, with the participation of EU representatives and experts. The event was attended by the Director of Innovation ...
- 29/03/2023 – 1st Stakeholders Policy Recommendations Workshop
On the 29th of March 2023 the 1st Stakeholders Policy recommendations workshop of the project “EcoFashionEU – Promoting the sustainability of small and medium textile and fashion manufacturers”, was held, in the premises of Athens Chamber of Small & Medium Industries, with the wide ...
- 29/11/2022 – EcoFashionEU Kick-Off Meeting
On the 29 of November 2022, the official kick-off meeting of the Project “EcoFashionEU – Promoting the sustainability of small and medium textile and fashion manufacturers” was held virtually. The meeting attended representatives of all 6 partners of the project’s consortium, as well EIASME’s ...